Below is a list of my publications. Disclaimer: The list is auto-generated from my Zotero library and may or may not be completely up to date.
Bård Lahn
Asdal, K., & Lahn, B. (2024). Governing as valuing: Assetization and the making of the Norwegian oil fund. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 56(8), 2089–2104.
Lahn, B. (2020). A history of the global carbon budget. WIREs Climate Change, 11(3), e636.
Lahn, B. (2021). Changing climate change: The carbon budget and the modifying-work of the IPCC. Social Studies of Science, 51(1), 3–27.
Lahn, B. (2023). Klimapolitikk i oljestaten: Robust folkestyre eller sementerte næringsinteresser? Norsk Sosiologisk Tidsskrift, 7(4–5), 63–75.
Asayama, S., De Pryck, K., Beck, S., Cointe, B., Edwards, P. N., Guillemot, H., Gustafsson, K. M., Hartz, F., Hughes, H., Lahn, B., Leclerc, O., Lidskog, R., Livingston, J. E., Lorenzoni, I., MacDonald, J. P., Mahony, M., Miguel, J. C. H., Monteiro, M., O’Reilly, J., … Hulme, M. (2023). Three institutional pathways to envision the future of the IPCC. Nature Climate Change, 1–4.
Lahn, B. (2019). Norwegian petroleum policy in a changing climate (Report No. 2019:10; CICERO Reports). CICERO Center for International Climate Research.
Lahn, B. (2022). Boundary Objects. In K. De Pryck & M. Hulme (Eds.), A Critical Assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (pp. 225–233). Cambridge University Press.
Lahn, B. (2022). Carbon connections: On the work of making climate change an issue for politics and government [PhD]. University of Oslo.
Smith, I. D., Lahn, B., & Øverland, I. (2022). Klimaklubbkvaler. Internasjonal Politikk, 80(1), 184–196.
Lahn, B. (in review). Making carbon matter: (Dis)connecting oil and climate in Norwegian politics. Manuscript in Review.
Hermansen, E. A. T., Lahn, B., Sundqvist, G., & Øye, E. (2021). Post-Paris policy relevance: lessons from the IPCC SR15 process. Climatic Change, 169(1), 7.
Lahn, B., & Leiren, M. D. (2016). Klimapolitikk i Norden: En sammenligning av mål og virkemidler i de nordiske landene (No. 2016:07). CICERO Senter for klimaforskning.
Alnes, K., Sælen, H., Lund, H. F., Lahn, B., Eine, K., Alfsen, K., & Schiessl, B. (2021). Climate assessments of six key Norwegian sectors (Report No. 2021:02; CICERO Reports). CICERO Center for International Climate Research.
Dooley, K., Holz, C., Kartha, S., Klinsky, S., Roberts, J. T., Shue, H., Winkler, H., Athanasiou, T., Caney, S., Cripps, E., Dubash, N. K., Hall, G., Harris, P. G., Lahn, B., Moellendorf, D., Müller, B., Sagar, A., & Singer, P. (2021). Ethical choices behind quantifications of fair contributions under the Paris Agreement. Nature Climate Change, 11(4), 300–305.
Blaxekjær, L. Ø., Lahn, B., Nielsen, T. D., Green-Weiskel, L., & Fang Fang. (2021). The narrative position of the Like-Minded Developing Countries in global climate negotiations. In C. Klöck, P. Castro, F. Weiler, & L. Ø. Blaxekjær (Eds.), Coalitions in the Climate Change Negotiations (pp. 113–135). Routledge.
Bang, G., & Lahn, B. (2019). From oil as welfare to oil as risk? Norwegian petroleum resource governance and climate policy. Climate Policy, 20(8), 997–1009.
Lahn, B. (2017). Redusert oljeutvinning som klimatiltak: Faglige og politiske perspektiver (Policy note No. 2017:01; CICERO Policy notes). CICERO Center for International Climate Research.
Lahn, B., & Wilson Rowe, E. (2015). How to be a “front-runner”: Norway in international climate politics. In B. de Carvalho & I. B. Neumann (Eds.), Small States and Status Seeking: Norway’s quest for international standing (pp. 126–145). Routledge.
Kartha, S., Athanasiou, T., Caney, S., Cripps, E., Dooley, K., Dubash, N. K., Fei, T., Harris, P. G., Holz, C., Lahn, B., Moellendorf, D., Müller, B., Roberts, J. T., Sagar, A., Shue, H., Singer, P., & Winkler, H. (2018). Cascading biases against poorer countries. Nature Climate Change, 8(5), 348–349.
Lahn, B. (2015). Fra København til Paris: FNs klimatoppmøter og rettferdig fordeling av atmosfæren. Internasjonal Politikk, 73(04), 538–546.
Lahn, B., & Sundqvist, G. (2017). Science as a “fixed point”? Quantification and boundary objects in international climate politics. Environmental Science & Policy, 67, 8–15.
Lahn, B. (2010). Togradersmålet og åpning av nye leteområder på norsk sokkel (Notat). Norges Naturvernforbund.
Lahn, B. (2013). Klimaspillet: En fortelling fra innsiden av FNs klimatoppmøter. Flamme Forlag.
Boasson, E. L., & Lahn, B. (2017). Norway: a dissonant cognitive leader? In R. K. Wurzel, J. Connelly, & D. Liefferink (Eds.), Still taking a lead? The European Union in international climate change politics. Routledge.
Lahn, B. (2018). In the light of equity and science: scientific expertise and climate justice after Paris. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 18(1), 29–43.
Lahn, B. (2016). Forests through the paper mill: Assembling REDD+ through the production of documents [Master’s Thesis]. University of Oslo.
Lahn, B., & Sundqvist, G. (2015). Et fast punkt for klimaet? Vitenskap og politikk i den svarte “Bali-boksen.” Sosiologi i Dag, 45(1).